Sunday service was great,
but now what?
This section is designed to help you take the challenge from Sunday
into your daily lives and to help you live out your faith.
Click this link every Monday morning for new content from the weekend.
What's Next?
Sunday service was great,
but now what?
This section is designed to help you take the challenge from Sunday
into your daily lives and to help you live out your faith.
Click this link every Monday morning for new content from the weekend.
make it stick for kids!
Click on the Link to find out what your kids learned in kids church this past Sunday and for discussion questions you can have at home or at the dinner table to help make the lesson STICK!
Sunday's Message
Click here to Listen to the challenge from Sunday morning.
Set aside some time this week to read and meditate on this scripture we discussed on Sunday.
Conversations at the Table
or quiet time reflection
We encourage you to use this section during your own quiet time, or around the dinner table. Be open and honest with your family, and see God begin to work in your personal life, your family life, your workplace, and your neighborhood!
An illogical peace
1. What is the most peaceful place you've been to?
2. Describe a time in your life when you experienced illogical peace.
3. Read Philippians 4:8 - What messages does our culture bombard us with through advertising?
4. Why is your thought life so important to God?
5. One way that Pastor Renny encouraged us to think differently is to eliminate certain music from our playlists. What other actions can we take to make sure we honor others and make sure we never think others as "less than"?
6. What were your biggest take aways from this series on unexpected Joy?
7. How will you choose to have Joy in your life moving forward?
My Decisions
Take some time to wrestle through the questions above and pray about them this week.
I will choose to have Joy by being content with what I have.
the1027 Challenge
Click Here to Listen to some of our latest worship songs.
Click here often because the link will
change as we create playlists
of songs that we will be singing during our worship service,
or that deal with the current series.