The elev8 water project

The global water crisis is a silent killer with half of the world’s hospital beds

full of people sick from water related illness. 

Diarrheal illness is the second leading cause of death worldwide

and while you may not hear this in the news, water related illness

causes the death of one child under the age of 5 every 21 seconds. 

We were heart broken at these alarming stats as we realized

that this isn't just a problem, but this is a crisis that needs some attention!

After much searching, the elev8 young adult group at gtc

narrowed their search to a rural village called

Enkereyian  located in the Rift Valley in Kenya.  

These people do not have clean water, but use a dam

which is contaminated because this dam is

also used to clean their animals.  

Kids are always sick here, and they miss school

because of water related illnesses, 

and so they are unable to perform well in classes

because of how much school they are missing.  

 (Read more stories, and see recent pics at the end of this page)

But we can help save lives by providing

safe water to the people in Enkereyian. 

Elev8 has partnered with Water Missions to help meet

the physical need for safe water, by obtaining the rights to attempt

to drill a bore hole in their community close to the local school.  

How Can I Help?
Participate in the Beverage Fast

(1) Make a sacrifice

and opt to drink water rather than buying that coffee, or soft drink or juice. 

(2) Pray
Say a quick prayer before you take your first sip of each glass of water. 

Pray that we will be able to find a viable source of water in Kenya. 

Pray for the people of

(3) Re-allocate

the funds you would have spent on those drinks,
and give to the water project.
you will be helping the elev8 water project attempt to find

a viable source of water for those in Enkeriyan. 

To help us complete this project and bring

safe water to the people of Enkereyian

you can give below