The StudentLife Youth Team want to come along side you as you disciple your tweens and teens.
Check back often as we will be updating this page as we hear of new resources!
Parenting Teens?
The StudentLife Youth Team want to come along side you as you disciple your tweens and teens.
Check back often as we will be updating this page as we hear of new resources!
Common Sense Media Contract
Get a head start or start fresh with your teen or tween developing standards and safeguards around your students technology and social media use. Accountability with technology matters!
Parenting Today's Teens
A great website full of FREE Resources right at your fingertips!
Watch the Social Dilemma FREE!
This film will help educate you and your family about the tech companies purpose and the effects their products like Facebook, Instagram and Snap chat ect... are having on your students.
Focus on the Family
Focus on the family is Christ centered, family centered content in which you can read articles, listen to powerful podcasts and get answers for some of the question you may have as you parent your teenager.