• Early Bird Registration

    before April 29

    Payment in full is due

    by May 1st

    *Payment can be made online

    at this LINK or on the Church Center App

    * Checks can be mailed

    to Glad Tidings Church

    or made in person
    (payable to Glad Tidings Church
    memo: Men's Retreat)

    *private rooms are not guaranteed as

    there are limited spaces available

    *these rooms are determined by the GT Men's cmt.

  • Transportation

    We encourage you to car-pool and share rides.

  • What to bring

    Bible, sleeping bag (twin bed sheet and blanket), pillow, towel, toiletries (including soap/shampoo),  flashlight, books and extra money for snacks,

    Fishing gear if you fish (A NH Fishing License is a MUST and can be purchased online at this link),
    Sports gear if you're sportsy! 

  • Food

    5 meals will be provided starting with breakfast on Saturday morning.  There is a soda machine in the dining hall , and plenty of hot water for coffee, tea, and hot chocolate.  

  • Directions

    Brookwood Camp & Conference Center

    Lake Winnipesaukee

    Alton Bay, NH

    Click here for Directions