We understand how demanding the family schedule is. 

And we also know that you desire for your family to grow deeper in Christ! 

So we combined our Mid-Week Ministries with our Friday Night Ministries to create a night for the WHOLE family, actually- the whole CHURCH! 

Begins Friday September 16, 2022 and includes a

Parent Fellowship and Meeting upstairs in the

Upper Room (aka Ladies Parlor)!

Light Refreshments will be served. We ask all participating parents/guardians of registered kids to attend. 

(no registration is needed for the Sept. 16 Parent Event)

Our prayer is that each family member, no matter how big or small will be loved, served and

equipped to go out and make disciples wherever God has called them!

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  • Please click the ICON to register each family member. 

    Family Friday Nights    7pm-9pm

    • Kids
    • Youth
    • Adult Life Group